Friday, May 11, 2012


i got a job. a new job! an unpaid job. but a new job!

i'm moving! in about two months. wow wow wow.

i'm thrilled about the opportunity i've been given to work with the incredible non profit that is Not For Sale. i'm stoked to work alongside such driven and passionate people. i'm excited to move somewhere different and try something new.

i'm also terrified. i'm scared to move away. i'm scared to do something all by myself. i'm scared that it's only six months, what should i do after that? i'm scared and nervous.

a sweet friend and i talked this morning about how easily we lose sight of the little, present joys in life because we get so caught up in the future or the past.

i may be afraid, but my God is bigger than that. i may be afraid, but i won't let that hinder me. i may be afraid, but that ain't stopping me!

i'm so excited for something so new and different and challenging.