I have been here for over two months. My time here ends in almost exactly 3 months. So, basically, I'm at the half way point.
It's crazy, in some ways, I feel like I've got it down. I've found my routine. I get up earliest in the house, giving me a little peace and solo time before the chaos of the day. I get ready, drink my coffee (sometimes tea, when I'm trying to cut back), dig into the Word while I eat a quick breakfast. Work starts at 9, and goes straight until 5, if not later. Days are full of tasks, emails, meetings, and so much learning. I work through lunch, and rarely break all day. After work I try to relax from the full packed day, but often it turns into working even later into the day. Sleep before midnight, when I'm lucky, and then begin again.
Like I said, I have my routine.
But at the same time, I'm consistently growing and learning and I still figuring out my footing. I think that is how it will always be. In many ways, I don't want to know everything. I don't want to master this work, because then it will grow dull. Mundane. I like the excitement, the variety, the intrigue. I like the new.
I don't know if I want to work in non-profits forever. I honestly don't know what I want to do. Grad school? Law school? Full time ministry? Full time missions? Start my own non-profit? Go back and work at Starbucks? Teach? Art therapy? I don't even know. But I know I want to always be learning. I want to always be growing. I want to always keep moving.