Sunday, April 29, 2012

the good

"the good is the enemy of the best"

i've been settling for mediocrity. i've been settling for what's in front of me, for what's comfortable. i've been settling for the easy route. i've been settling for the good, when i'm capable of the best.

i think we all do this. here's how it looks for me: i talk about all the things that i want to do with my life. i want to save orphans. i want to feed the hungry. i want to bring the gospel to all the ends of the earth. i want to love people. i want to be Jesus' hands and feet. i want to make a difference. i want to change the world. i talk and talk and talk about it. everyone knows, everyone expects great things from me. i wear my passion and my heart on my sleeve, but i never get my sleeves dirty. i never stick in and get my hands dirty to actually make a difference. i say i'll do it. i remind myself that i'm young, i have time. so i settle. i tell myself that one day i'll go do something. one day i'll have enough money, or the right opportunity.

i'm good at pretending like i'm good at waiting, but really i'm really impatient. i'm terrible at waiting because i'm bursting at the seams to make a difference. i'm itching to go out into the world and do something worthwhile. after waiting for too long, i grow too comfortable, and i start to get scared about stepping out of my comfort zone, scared to take the leap that i was itching to take just weeks earlier.

this phrase, "the good is the enemy of the best" is incredible. i heard it in an interview with a non-profit for their fellowship program. this non-profit is full of people who are passionate and driven and who go above and beyond the call of duty, trying to make a difference in the world. trying to end modern day slavery. they work overtime. they lose sleep. they work their asses off, fighting for justice and a better way of life. they won't settle for the good. the good is what keeps us from going after the best.

i know that my personal worth and value isn't based on what i do, but on who i am, and how i do what i do. God doesn't look down on me for waiting in this season. but i know that He has designed me for more, and that the passion inside me is straight from Him. He wouldn't have lit the fire in me if He didn't want to me to tend to it.

so i'm going to stop waiting and stop being afraid and i'm going to take the leap. i'm not sure where, hopefully i'll know in the next week or so. but it's a step by step process. it isn't a one-time thing. adventure after adventure, that's what my life will be. i'm excited to keep seeking after the best, and not settling for just the good.

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