i'm one week in!
i've been in HMB since Saturday, and it has been crazy. like, cray-cray. for real.
in case you missed it, i'm currently participating in the Fellowship program with Not For Sale. NFS is an NGO working to fight modern-day slavery and human trafficking around the world. they are frickin sweet. please, please google them.
i've spent the last few days learning so so so SO much. the history of NFS, their platforms, upcoming projects, the ins-and-outs of the office, all about the staff, all about human trafficking...SO MUCH.
my brain was on overdrive aaaallllll week long. we trained all day on monday, and then were given research assignments that evening. the next two days were spent researching for 12 hours each day, as well as training even more. the insane researching and preparation cumulated in 20 minute presentations to our fellowship class. what a clever way of making us learn all this stuff, instead of just talking at us, they have us do the work and learn it for ourselves. bravo.
thursday night was spent helping set-up and run the San Francisco launch party for NFS's newest project, REBBL. REBBL is a tonic beverage made completely ethically by farmers in Peru. no middle men, no backhanded deals, no forced labor. REBBL stands for Roots, Extracts, Berries, Bark and Leaves. healthy and fresh, and it's HELPING END SLAVERY! hollerrrrr.
the launch party was such a hit, we raised around $2,000 for REBBL, sold lots of t-shirts, and got people pumped on the movement! aaaaand i got to man the photobooth. sick life. it was incredible to be a part of something so revolutionary. and it's only my first week!
next up? our last housemate arrives from the UK tomorrow, working in the Not For Sale Freedom Store this weekend, hopefully visiting Reality SF on Sunday, and starting working on our platforms Monday!
I'm stoked to have finished this first week, and to be starting real work on Monday.
[side note: i feel like this post is all kinds of happy and excited. let me be frank. it ain't all sunshine and daisies and unicorns. some of this has sucked and there are things that are really hard and i've almost cried at least four times and living in this house is going to be wicked hard. but i don't care about any of that. because i really feel like i'm stepping into something really important. i'm stepping into the path God has for me and while it may only be for this season, i'm stoked out of my miiiiiind about what i'm taking part in. i'll probably cry a lot, want to yell at people even more. but hopefully, by the grace of God, i won't. hopefully, by the grace of God, i'll focus on the good and exciting things. that's my goal.]
also, here's hoping i start blogging regularly! :)