we get two days out of the week to work from somewhere other than the office. whether that's home, starbucks, the beach...it's up to us, as long as we have internet and get our work done. i've taken these days as an opportunity to explore. so far i've only really explored HMB, but up next? i take on SF.
speaking of exploration: there is a bionafied wilderness behind my house. i nearly stepped on a snake on a morning hike last weekend! there is so much nature and beauty all around, i need to not let my love of the ocean distract me from the woods, and how soothing exploring the woods can be.
honey nut cheerios and a white peach. nom.
if anyone would like to buy me a boat to sail on the sea with, i'd happily accept.
also, if someone would like to teach me how to sail said boat, that'd be grand also.
my favorite new bench, overlooking the entire HMB harbor. peaceful and refreshing.
this morning i got to worship with the body of believers at Reality SF. it felt more like home than the majority of churches i've been to, even those i've attended for extended periods. i'm stoked to be serving at RSF, and i'm really excited for how God is going to use this season with that body. i think great things are being set in motion.
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