In case you missed the memo, I live in a house with 25 other people. Yes, you read that correctly. Twenty-five. 25 people from different places. 25 people from different cultures. 25 people with completely different life experiences. 25 people with different worldviews. 25 people that I get to do life with, which, much like our house, has become a beautiful and messy experience.
I've been in this environment for about three and a half months now. For almost the entirety of that time, I have been trying to love these people. Each and every one of them. Because obviously God brought me to this internship and this home so that I can love them, right? I've tried and tried to love them, even when it's hard. I've tried to love them through random acts of kindness, like washing everyone's dishes or cleaning the kitchen or washing the couch cover. I've tried to love them through words of affirmation, through compliments and loving words. I've tried everything, and it hasn't been easy. In fact, it's gotten harder. But I've tried.
And that, I just realized, is the problem.
I've been trying. I, me, have been trying. I have had to try to love some of these people. It isn't easy. It's something I have had to remind myself to do. I've had to try.
If I'm truly loving them, loving them with the love of Christ that is in me, then I shouldn't have to try, right? It should flow out of me. I shouldn't even have to think about it, Christ's self-sacrificial love should radiate out of every pore.
Except I think I haven't been loving with Christ's love. At least, not lately. I've been loving with a "I'm doing this to bless others in hopes that they'll notice and affirm and love me more" kind of love. Which is not the way Christ loves.
Christ loves perfectly. God loves us SO much that He sent His perfect Son to die for us. I know that, but do I really understand it? Do I really fathom that the God of the universe sent His ONLY Son to die for ME? For my sins, for my mistakes, for my brokenness and stubbornness and consistently shitty behavior. He died to us. All of us. Me included. And because I believe in Him, I believe this, I have been saved. I have been redeemed. He has rescued me and saved me and He loves me. Not because of what I can give Him, not because of what I do for Him, but because He does. His love is completely perfect and self-giving and there is nothing I can do to deserve it, to pay Him back for it, to justify it. He sacrificed Himself because He loves me. God loves me because I am His cherished daughter, His messy little creation, His princess. I didn't earn that, I didn't do anything to merit receiving that. It is just because He loves me.
THAT is self-giving, truly self-sacrificial love. That is Christ.
That's how I want to love. I want to love like He loves.
But I can't try to love that way. It isn't something you can try and do. It's something that just... happens.
Lazo spoke about this at Reality the other week, that our ability to truly love others is directly proportionate to our relationship with God, to the degree we are experiencing Him. When we are in deep, intimate, true, beautiful relationship with Him, we love more easily. It flows out of us as easily as we breathe.
When we are with Christ, truly with Him, then we truly imitate Him. He radiates through us, and loving others because we love them, not because we want something from them, comes naturally.
This last week I have been brought to my last nerve with some of my sweet housemates. Little annoyances have reached a new high, and it has become increasingly hard to love, let alone be friends. I have three weeks left here. That is just enough time to tune out, to focus on what is next and stop caring. But I don't want that to happen. I want these next three weeks to be some of the best. I want to make the most of it.
Instead of trying harder, my goal is this: to press into Jesus.
Instead of praying for God to help me love, my prayer will be this: Lord, show me more of You.
I want to walk in love, but not just general love, but Christ's love. I want to walk in love, side by side with my God.
Sunday, April 28, 2013
Monday, April 15, 2013
goals & things
As my time at IC is wrapping up, I’m obviously thinking
about what’s next. And by obviously thinking about it, I mean obsessing and
stressing on the daily. But that’s another blog for another day.
Today, I’m thinking about what’s next, and setting goals. Goals
that I can strive towards no matter where I am or what I’m doing. Goals that I
want to be intentional about, and goals that I want to achieve.
Invest in relationships
want to stop taking people for granted. I want to invest in the friendships I
have, in the loved ones around me. I want to be an equal partner in those
relationships, around for the good and the bad. I want my relationships to be
more than a few hours when I’m visiting for a weekend. Even if they are long
distance, I want to participate and not take them for granted.
Do work I love
it is the job I’m doing, or pursuing passion projects on the side, I want to
love what I’m doing. If I don’t love what I’m doing, instead of quitting, I
want to first change my attitude towards it.
Make my house my home
is more than a house, but also more than a state of mind. I want to be content
and find rest in the place I’m in, and that starts by treating it as home.
Save for my future… and for slightly
irresponsible adventures
want to be responsible and self-sufficient. But at the same time, I am only 24,
and if I want to go to New York City for a week or drive to LA three weekends
in a row, than I will. It may not be wise to take a trip to Hawaii with some
girlfriends, but it is good for the soul, which is responsible enough for me.
Read more
really hate how much TV I watch. I love stories, and want to consume them
through literature, not media. Maybe I read Mindy Kaling’s biography, or Anna
Karenina. Doesn’t matter what I’m reading, just that I am.
can be a very wishy-washy twenty-something. I don’t know what I want to do with
my life, so I avoid investing in what I am doing. I want to commit. Maybe I’m
working at a coffee shop and nannying, but I want to commit to that work. I want
to commit to the community I’m in, to the things I’m doing, and to what the
Lord has called me into.
is a life goal that should always be on my list. Pray more. Pray every day.
Pray without ceasing.
Give back
I can’t work for every organization I’ve interned for, I can support them. $5 a
month can do so much, and I can live making my own coffee instead of buying
overpriced lattes. I want to give back and continue to support the missions of
the organizations I love.
in my former students and invest in new ones. Youth ministry is so dear to my
heart, and always will be. I’ve been lost without it this last year, and am
eager to start again.
10. Yoga
sounds silly, but I really enjoy yoga, and want to make it my practice. Sub-goal:
master crow and bird of paradise.
11. Love where
I’m at, and who I’m with
really, but I want to love the place God has me in. I want to love tangibly,
not just theoretically. Love is an action, not just a thought.
12. Act: don’t
just try, but do
This is
the goal that sums up the rest of my goals: I want to actually do these things,
not just say I will. I don’t want it to end up being November and I haven’t
done anything on here, or have started and then failed to finish. These are
consistent goals, without real deadlines, so I want to commit to doing them. I
really want to yoda the shit out of these goals, “there is no try, only do”.
As I move into my last month at IC, I want to begin stepping
into these goals. I can love where I’m at right now, I can invest in the
relationships around me now, I can practice yoga more, I can read more. As for
what I can’t do this second, I can start figuring out what that will look like
in this next season.
I kind of hate transition, but also think I’m addicted to
change. Oops.
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